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Tutorial Teaser

Be part of a fluffy story with your favourite Tomb Raider


Sam's parents invited their daughter and her best friend to visit them at one of their residences.
Lara loves her Sam dearly, but can she endure more than one Nishimura at a time?

Find out in Family Matters - an interactive S.S. Endurance story

Team #BecauseSam is a collaboration between burritorat & deberzer,
two shippers in a war against canon.

Special thanks to our beta LiteraryMaxims


Press Start and begin the interactive journey.
Think about your decicions wisely, consequences might wait around the corner!


Here you'll find the most recent updates on
Family Matters

The Teaser is live!
Enjoy reading and make sure to leave some feedback.

Stay tuned and awesome!


Check out the JaffaBar regularly to see the overall process!



Curious? Excited to play? Feedback?
Leave a message in our JaffaBox, Tumblr or Twitter.
We'll be happy to answer!

Know other S.S. Endurance shippers?
Make sure to share this page with them!